Authors with surnames starting with the letter W
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Martin Walker
David Walliams
Michael Walsh
J R Ward
Ruth Ware
Susan May Warren
Casey Watson
S.J. Watson
Erin Watt
Bill Watterson
Ashley Weaver
Tim Weaver
Carl Weber
David Weber
Brent Weeks
Jennifer Weiner
Alison Weir
Andy Weir
Fay Weldon
H.G. Wells
Irvine Welsh
Chuck Wendig
Michelle Sagara West
Scott Westerfeld
Donald E Westlake
Tara Westover
Jeff Wheeler
Iona Whishaw
Chris Whitaker
Brittany White
Karen White
Randy Wayne White
Stephen White
Robert Whitlow
Jack Whyte
Susan Wiggs
Will Wight
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Marcia Willett
Beatriz Williams
Tad Williams
Connie Willis
Dan Willis
F. Paul Wilson
Lisa Wingate
Don Winslow
Jacqueline Winspear
Beth Wiseman
Karen Witemeyer
P.G. Wodehouse
Tom Wood
Sherryl Woods
Stuart Woods
Cindy Woodsmall
Bradley Wright
Suzanne Wright
Stephanie Wrobel