Authors with surnames starting with the letter C
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Meg Cabot
Chelsea Cain
Tom Cain
Christi Caldwell
Ian Caldwell
Taylor Caldwell
Pamela Callow
Barbara Cameron
Marc Cameron
W. Bruce Cameron
Andrea Camilleri
Jack Campbell
Dorothy Cannell
Stephen J Cannell
Diane Capri
Orson Scott Card
Kate Carlisle
Alyse Carlson
Carol K. Carr
Jack Carr
Robyn Carr
John le Carre
Gail Carriger
Jeff Carson
Ally Carter
Chris Carter
Scott William Carter
Kiera Cass
Dakota Cassidy
P.C. Cast
Jayne Castle
Richard Castle
Bailey Cates
Steve Cavanagh
Elizabeth Chadwick
Deborah Challinor
Diane Chamberlain
Becky Chambers
Raymond Chandler
Brenda Chapman
Janet Chapman
Julia Chapman
Ann Charles
C.J. Cherryh
Marion Chesney
Ted Chiang
Jennifer Chiaverini
Vivien Chien
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
Lee Child
Lincoln Child
Laura Childs
Agatha Christie
Jill Churchill
Tom Clancy
Alys Clare
Cassandra Clare
Carol Higgins Clark
Jaycee Clark
Mary Higgins Clark
Arthur C. Clarke
James Clavell
Beverly Cleary
Paul Cleave
Chanel Cleeton
Ann Cleeves
Andrew Clements
Rory Clements
Barbara Cleverly
Ernest Cline
Amy Clipston
Darcy Coates
Harlan Coben
Colleen Coble
Nancy CoCo
Margaret Coel
Ben Coes
Daniel Cole
Martina Cole
JaQuavis Coleman
Reed Farrel Coleman
Eoin Colfer
Jenny Colgan
Colleen Collins
Suzanne Collins
M.A. Comley
Ralph Compton
Ally Condie
Clare Connelly
Michael Connelly
John Connolly
Sheila Connolly
Beverly Connor
John Conroe
Pat Conroy
Cate Conte
Robin Cook
Catherine Cookson
Stephen Coonts
C. G. Cooper
Jilly Cooper
Susan Cooper
E.J. Copperman
James S A Corey
Bernard Cornwell
Patricia Cornwell
Colin Cotterill
Ralph Cotton
Dick Couch
Jack Coughlin
Bryce Courtenay
Cressida Cowell
Josephine Cox
Cleo Coyle
Matt Coyle
Robert Crais
Hamilton Crane
Sharon Creech
Michael Crichton
Deborah Crombie
Ellen Crosby
Mason Cross
Blake Crouch
Charles Cumming
Evan Currie
Clive Cussler