Authors with surnames starting with the letter A
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Ben Aaronovitch
Jeff Abbott
Megan Abbott
Joe Abercrombie
Tom Abrahams
Traci Hunter Abramson
Mario Acevedo
Douglas Adams
Ellery Adams
Katherine Addison
Ann Aguirre
Cecelia Ahern
Stefan Ahnhem
Craig Alanson
Susan Wittig Albert
Becky Albertalli
Alanea Alder
Ellie Alexander
Tamera Alexander
Tasha Alexander
Barbara Allan
Mark Alpert
Steve Alten
Carmen Amato
Beth Amos
Michael Anderle
Catherine Anderson
Donna Andrews
Ilona Andrews
Mary Kay Andrews
V C Andrews
Amber Anthony
C.J. Archer
David Archer
Jeffrey Archer
Katherine Arden
M J Arlidge
Kelley Armstrong
Mike Ashley
Isaac Asimov
Nancy Atherton
Ace Atkins
Kate Atkinson
Margaret Atwood
Jean M Auel
Jane Austen
Victoria Aveyard